Thursday 19 December 2013


This is by far my favorite oil! It helps me sleep. I read a testimonial online about a woman who used lavender in her horses eye to help calm a scratched eye (I don't suggest doing this but I did as I scratched my eye pretty bad and it was bugging me) I diluted the lavender with my eye drops and it really did burn for a couple moments but after that it was very much calmed and soothed.
Diffuse, bath, or apply to skin for relaxation and calming
Heals, soothes, and cleans any skin condition

Our most popular oil, lavender has been cherished for its unmistakable aroma and its therapeutic properties for thousands of years. Lavender is widely used and accepted for its calming and relaxing qualities.
Where Lavender comes from - Steam distilled from flowering top.
What Lavender contains  - Analgesic, anticoagulant, anti-convulsant, antidepressant, antifungal, antihistamine, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, antitumor, cardiotonic, regenerative, and sedative.
What Lavender is used for  - Arthritis, anxiety, boils, asthma, bruises, bronchitis, cold sores, carbuncles, depression, convulsions, fainting, earaches, hay fever, gallstones, heart irregularity, headaches, hives, reduce high blood pressure, insect bits and stings, hysteria, influenza, infection, insect repellent, injuries, migraines, laryngitis, mouth abscess, nervous tension, reduce mucus, rheumatism, sprains, skin conditions, sunburns, sunstroke, throat infections, tuberculosis, tension, typhoid fever, wounds and whooping cough.
What Lavender does when diffused - Promotes Consciousness, health, love, peace, and a general sense of well being.
Lavender safety - Do not use as a dietary supplement for children under 6 years old.
How to apply Lavender -
  • Topically - Can be applied with no dilution to reflex points and directly on area of concern.
  • Aromatically - Diffuse lavender essential oil.
  • Internally - Dilute one drop oil in 1 tsp. honey or 4 oz. of beverage.

Tuesday 17 December 2013


A long time ago in a land far far away.....
(well far from me)
Three kings followed a shining star from afar bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrr for an amazing new baby.
Thinking about this I wonder what would be brought today if he was born. Perhaps money, gold, a PS4, tablets, laptop, Lambourghini, keys to a new house?
All those things are fabulous to us all, however, what would they really benefit?
If the scenario was exactly the same (birth, death, rebirth) how would these things help?
Frankincense and myrr were very valuable back then and were used for health as well as during burial (the kings were quite smart).
we still have these oils today yet people prefer synthetics or poisons (formaldehyde) for life and death.
if Jesus approves then I want me some oils!

Wednesday 11 December 2013


what a great class tonight! Thank you all that showed up and logged into Skype. Got another class soon with more notice lol.
love and health - John

Free Class 1 Hour

Free essential oils class at 7 pm mountain time through Skype at Doterracanada All are welcome even if late ! Live happy Live Healthy much love Melissa

Sunday 8 December 2013

Frankincense! The Ancient Oil We Sing Songs About!

Introducing Frankincense, the oil of the week! 
Ancient ritual usage and modern research confirm that Frankincense has relaxing effects on the human body including uplifting mood and heightening awareness.  These antidepressant properties can be achieved through various diffusion techniques and topical application including various forms of massage.  This oil is also well suited to help with skin conditions.  It is a mild oil that in most instances can be applied directly, if necessary.  Help with acne to wrinkles, cuts and wounds to reducing scarring are all mentioned by those that have used this essential oil.  Most practical for skin application is to make a 1% to 2% dilution with a carrier oil or a similar dilution in an ointment.
After being used over a thousand years this has got to be good!

Saturday 7 December 2013

fuzzy headed

Have a little too much Christmas cheer? Rub a drop of grapefruit over your liver and the soles of your feet. You can even put a drop in your water!

Thursday 5 December 2013


Sleepy... time for some Lavander

Winters here... for now

Brrrr the ice and snow, the traffic delays the cough and runny nose!  Blah terrible stuff!  I think the only great part about winter is the "snow days", a free day to laze around the house without losing a personal day!

 Keep your Essential Oils close this season and be prepared for anything!

I suggest using a cold diffuser with some OnGuard and Breath blends!  Just to describe the two:

OnGuard is a unique, proprietary blend formulated to support healthy immune function. Wild orange essential oil, combined with clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary offer a fragrant, natural and effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. On Guard, with its unique aroma, is one of our most versatile blends. It is also safe to use on counter tops, as a non-toxic way to cleanse surfaces, or to purify the atmosphere by diffusing. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.
You can even use it to clean naturally and safely for those "snow days".

Breathe is a remarkable blend of CPTG® essential oils which combine to do just that, help you breathe easier. A proprietary blend including laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon and ravensara cleanses and soothes the airways, and can easily be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet. Its pleasant aroma is calming to the senses and perfect for night time diffusion allowing for restful sleep. For aromatic or topical use.
I also use this one to help quell this apparent snoring problem I have.
Both oils are definitely part of my must haves for winter season! 

Happy health and safe travels!


Tuesday 3 December 2013

What do Essential Oils do for me?

Now that we know what essential oils are we ask "what can they do for me?".

The benefits from using essential oils are a long list from Acne to Warts, Anxiety to Tension and so on!  They are taken topically (on the skin), Aromatically (through the air) and Internally (ingested).  One part I enjoy the fact that you can mix the oils with Fractionated Coconut Oil or Pure Olive Oils and use them in a massage.  The best part to massage while were on the topic is the feet as the pours on the bottoms of the feet adsorb the oils the best and they also make for a happy partner.

Here's a neat little experiment to try (you'll want a partner to try this with that is very comfortable with you, you'll see why):

If you have some Essential Oils already put a couple drops on the bottom of your feet.
If you do not have any Oils take a fresh fresh piece of garlic and rub it on the bottom of your feet.
The Essential Oils or Garlic Oils will penetrate your pours very quickly.
Now wait for 20 minutes.
Once the time has passed go to your partner and have them smell your breath, it should smell like either your oil or garlic!  (this is why I suggested someone close to you so as not to offend a stranger).

Ill be listed the individual benefits of specific oils weekly or with special request even more often!  You can also email me with ANY questions (no question is too silly or too little).

Sunday 1 December 2013

What are Essential Oils?

"What are essential oils?" you ask. 

Wikipedia: "An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, or aetherolea."

To put it simply they are the "oil of" the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove.

Next... what can essential oils do for me?